Porridge by the Sea

This morning was nothing short of magical. I've been battling a hardcore cold the past few days so I woke up at 8 as last night's Nyquil wore off. I had a craving for porridge from the Happy Pear, so I washed my hair, threw on my last clean shirt, and headed off into the most spectacular weather. I had intended to eat my porridge at the Happy Pear and do some reading for school, but once I got there I realized that I really wanted to walk down to the ocean. So I got my porridge and my coffee to "take- away" and I made my way through town to the shore. Greystones is so lovely in the morning. The sun was glistening down on the pavement and sparkling off the shop windows. The breeze that was drying my hair felt so happy and welcoming. I found a bench on the beach and I just sat and ate my breakfast. I got so lost in thought that I didn't even realize that I had dripped fruit all on my Bible. It stained the pages, but I think that'll end up being a happy reminder. While I was reading and praying God brought me a few relevant verses that really spoke to me this morning. 

"Don't be in debt to anyone, except for the obligation to love each other. Whoever loves another person has fulfilled the Law." Romans 13:9 (CEB) 
I've been struggling with genuine love lately. I get so caught up in my own world that I forget that other people are struggling, and probably more than I am. This verse was just a stark reminder that selfishness does not help anyone. Instead of focusing on my problems I should focus on loving others and leave my problems to God. 

"The night is almost over, the day is near. So let's get rid of actions that belong to the darkness and put on the weapons of light." Romans 13:12 (CEB)
This verse reminded me that I need to be living everyday as if Jesus is coming back. Because, one day, He will. In the stillness of the morning I could feel God telling me that I was made to love. Love Him, love others, love myself, but not to obsess over my life. God is in control. I just have to keep telling myself that. God is in control and He is going to take care of everything. 

After I finished breakfast I just sort of wandered around Greystones taking pictures of a few cute things. I knew I would probably get lost, but that was fine, this was to be a lazy morning of exploring, but I turned down a random street and I found myself back at home. It was a pretty funny discovery. I hope your day is as lovely as my morning turned out to be. 


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